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We’ll meet at Four Mile Canyon Creek Trailhead at 7:00 a.m.

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TYPE: Long Distance

PACE: Fitness/Conversational

TERRAIN: Sidewalks, dirt trails, paved multi-use paths

DISTANCE: Approx. 26 miles

Celebrate Walk and Bike Month by walking ALL the way around Boulder on the 26-mile Walk 360 Slow Marathon!

On Saturday, June 22, we’ll go on a grand all-day adventure, walking counter-clockwise around the city on the Walk 360 route (see the full route map here, with section timings). We’ll traverse every kind of walking surface in the city, explore diverse neighborhoods and enjoy cool parks and open spaces along Boulder’s urban edges.

The Walk 360 gives Boulder walkers a whole new perspective on the city, demonstrating walkable connections among destinations and safe ways to get around Boulder’s busiest streets by foot. We’ll have plenty of places to stop for breaks and water along the way, and we’ll take a lunch break in South Boulder.

Registration is required and is free. Everyone who completes the route will receive a Walk 360 sticker. Challenge yourself to this one-of-a-kind adventure! Psych yourself up by watching this wonderful video of the Walk 360, made by John Simmerman of Active Towns in 2021.

Schedule and Planning: We’ll meet at Four Mile Canyon Creek Trailhead at 7:00 a.m. and finish the full loop by 6:00 p.m. We’ll walk counter-clockwise, going from Lee Hill Drive to North Boulder Park, on to Chautauqua, South Boulder Recreation Center, East Boulder Recreation Center, Valmont Bike Park, and back to the starting place. Be sure to drink plenty of water on the days leading up to the event, and use the restroom before showing up at Four Mile Canyon Creek, as there are no facilities on site.

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