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We’ll meet out in front of Caffe Sole in the Table Mesa Shopping Center. The cafe is on the opposite side of the building from the South Side Walnut Cafe, so if you park on the Whole Foods side, you’ll need to walk through the pedestrian path past ACE Hardware to the other side of the center.

TYPE: Urban Hike | PACE: Fitness | TERRAIN: Sidewalks, Multi-Use Paths, Dirt Trails | DISTANCE: Approx 13 miles |

Walk Description: Our second 180-degree adventure traverses the eastern half of the Boulder Walk 360 Slow Marathon, closing the loop! This urban hike links the Table Mesa Shopping Center with the East Boulder Recreation Center, Valmont Bike Park, and the North Boulder Art District. We’ll take breaks along the way and have lunch together at the end. See this link for a map of the route

Schedule and Planning: We will meet at 8:00 am out in front of Caffe Sole at the Table Mesa Shopping Center. The cafe opens at 6:30 am, so arrive early to use the restroom and/or buy a coffee or tea. This urban hike is 13 miles, so it should take us about 5 hours to complete (with breaks). I suggest parking in North Boulder near the end point and taking the SKIP bus down Broadway to the starting place. Bus fare is $3, or $1.50 for people over 65. You can also take the bus back down to the Table Mesa Shopping Center at the end if you want to park at the starting place.

Walking Movement Leader: Darcy Kitching started volunteering with the Boulder Ramblers in 2015. She is the author of “The Best Urban Hikes: Boulder” You can reach Darcy at 303-250-2436 or besturbanhikesboulder@gmail.com.


  • We will begin walking at 8:05, so please arrive on time.
  • Be sure to bring plenty of water, snacks, sun protection and wear appropriate gear/clothing for the season.
  • Dogs are NOT allowed on this hike.

Release of liability: By signing up for this walk, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own safety and well-being throughout the event. This is a volunteer-led experience. Volunteers are not liable for any injury or illness that may happen during the event or that results from participating in this event. Please take good care to only sign up for walks or hikes that are within your skill level and comfort. As always, have fun and be safe!

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